Sonic Producer Review

This program makes it super easy to start making your own beats using a library of 1000's of awesome sounds, riffs & rythms. Then easily convert them into MP3's!

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Sonic Producer Review

from Sonic Producer Review

Sonic Producer Review -

An in-depth analysis of ten different consumer and professional reviews of the internet-based beat making software Sonic Producer revealed four strengths that make this program stand apart from similar internet-based products and just two slight drawbacks.

The Strengths of Sonic Producer include:

1. A huge database of realistic sounds that can be incorporated into the music.

2. One-time fee delivers a lifetime membership, no monthly fees.

3. Some features included cannot be found on most competing internet-based beat making software products.

4. Can run on any computer, PC or Mac.

The Drawbacks of Sonic Producer

1. Does not offer complete functionality or sound quality that would be found with real music productions equipment and software.

2. Technical support and customer service is only offered through email.

We will take a closer look at each of these components to determine whether Sonic Producer is as amazing as the hundreds of online reviewers and previous users claim it to be, but first it is important to put this review in perspective.

When you consider using a product like Sonic Producer you have to come to it with realistic expectations. If you are looking for something that will deliver professional beats like what you hear on CDs from your favorite hip hop artists, you will be a bit disappointed with any variety of internet-based beat making program.

While many reviewers are so impressed with the quality of beats produced with Sonic Producer that they have compared some results to what can be produced with professional equipment, you have to realize you are dealing with an internet simulation that is designed to get close to the real thing, but which can never completely get there on its own.

You can learn all the basics of music production and produce unique beats that fit what you imagine in your head, but you can't expect an online simulation to deliver top notch quality that is gained from professional equipment that costs thousands of dollars.

The good news is Sonic Producer comes very close to deliver the professional tunes you want, as you will discover below in our detailed analysis of what Sonic Producer really offers.

Database of 2,000+ Sounds

The number of sounds available to be incorporated into your beats and the quality of those sounds is very important to the final outcome. Many internet-based programs being offered today have very limited sounds available and what they do offer tends to be of lower quality. In other words, they don't sound like the instruments they are trying to mimic.

When you read reviews of Sonic Producer you can't help but notice that every single one notes with enthusiasm that this beat making program offers thousands of sounds, all of very high quality. The sounds mimic many different instruments and all are very close representations of those instruments!

This means you can get greater variety when you mix beats with Sonic Producer and that your beats will sound more realistic.

Low, One-Time Fee

The problem with many online beat making programs is that they charge monthly or yearly subscription fees that can go up at any time. This can be quite expensive, especially if you have a long term use for the product and want to continue using it for months or years.

Sonic Producer beats them all by offering a very low one-time fee that gives a lifetime membership to the member's area of the website and the actual beat making program. You get everything needed to learn music production and rip out thousands of your own tunes and you never have to pay another dime.

Specialized Features

Sonic Producer also offers some features that you can't find with other internet-based beat making programs. For instance, it is a 16 track sequencer that comes with a nicely designed drum pad and piano keys that are easy to access and master. You are also able to control the beats per minute as you mix your beats, which allows you to control the tempo of your own music.

While these features sound rather basic and fundamental to music production, these are all features that are lacking on some competing internet based products. Remember, we are not dealing with actual beat making equipment (that would cost you thousands of dollars!), but with innovative simulation technology that gives the feel of real music production without the exact same technical features.

PC or Mac: Take Your Pick

The ability to use Sonic Producer on any computer you own no matter what operating system you prefer is huge. This means no one is left out and it makes this program one of the most versatile on the market today.

Understanding the Drawbacks

Just like any other product on the market today, Sonic Producer does have a couple drawbacks. If you find reviews that claim it is absolutely perfect and sound exactly like professional beats that come off of expensive professional equipment, you are likely dealing with someone just trying to sell you something.

The truth is the customer service could be a bit better with Sonic Producer. If you need technical assistance it is available, but only through email. While they do get back to you rather quickly and they are excellent at answering questions and helping make the program as functional as possible, some people just don't like waiting for an email response.

The good news is most users note that they never have a need to use the customer service or technical care.

The other drawback that some professional reviewers have noted is that Sonic Producer falls short of the real sound quality you get from actual professional equipment and software packages. This is a legitimate fact, but it really can't be considered a drawback to the program for reasons we have already discussed.

You have to come to a program like Sonic Producer with realistic expectations. If you will not settle for anything less than professional beats that can be sold to the masses for millions, then you need to invest in actual equipment (be prepared to pay the big bucks).

If you want a very close simulation to professional tunes and the ability to gain the real sensation of producing music in your own home, then Sonic Producer is an excellent product to consider.

Click Here to check out Sonic Producer >>

Accuracy Disclosure: has not directly tested this product, but has conducted research into the alleged results of other users who claim to have used the product. The accuracy of both the publisher's research and alleged user results cannot be guaranteed.